9.16 - Nayavu Village (our Peace Corps home)

We woke up early again…because we went to sleep early! Got up ~6:00. Out for tea & toast, then back to pack up. (We also made some P-nut butter sans for the road) We left ~8:30. Today is a holiday, Prophet Mohamed’s birthday. Very little traffic! We drove on the Queen’s Highway to Princess Highway, which ended in Nausori. Stopped at the Nausori market for yaqona & bananas. %80 for yaqona, $5 bananas. On to Nayavu! We did not tell anyone we were coming, so we stopped at the old Amar’s store. There is a family living there now. We walked uup to the school, then back. Chatted with the same woman & asked about Inia & Sai. At about the same time, one of their grandchildren, Atu, wandered by, then Sai (Jr.) appeared. She remembered us. Then, Sai (Sr) drove into the village from Korovou. She had seen us in town as we drove by! Spent almost 2 hours with them. VERY HOT there! Then, on to Raki Raki! This week is Fiji Homecoming. All the mategalis getting together, so 2 of Inia’s daughters were there too! Dinner @ Dua Dua after a rest. It was very good! Curry! Very tired!

Wainibuka "Junior" Secondary School has grown up
Path to where our bure used to be - that brown spot down there
Teachers' compound still looks the same
My house for a few months in 1978
My house on the right. They sure build them to last (except for traditional bures)
Reunion with Inia and Sai
Inia's and Sai's family - what a beautiful family!
Sai, Inia and Rod
(Some of) Inia and Sai's family
The little one looking up at Marg...
Little Sai, Sai, Atu, Inia and one I forgot the name. Nayavu Village in the background
Beautiful Family